It is a funny thing for sure. Over the years I have been tested and I don't see any of them coming. The tests are to see where my heart is. I fail the test by snapping, failing to speak up, being greedy, emotionally weak etc.
I missed the purpose of "the test" in a way that I had never realized before.
I run a small business and for a long time I was hard up for money which led to me thinking all money was good. I didn't slow down enough to understand what risky jobs were and what a dangerous customer looked like.
I took my beating like a man and walk with a bit of a limp but wiser.
The business developed and I started being profitable in a way that made me happy and comfortable.
I now work with who I like and don't work with people I don't.
My admin runs the business which makes us both happy. She is busy and I am not (I am but not with doing the work in the business).
She was off for a few days so I was working with customers.
There was a job that had taken 6 months to get from the customer and it was super small. The customer just took forever and seems to have a champaign appetite and a beer budget. I got a call and it turned out that the invoice was written up wrong and so there was a product missing. It was a small amount of a very small order. The customer didn't look at the invoice, they just forwarded it to the person with the credit card and it was paid.
The customer emailed that I had shorted them.
They go on to tell me that they feel that they should get the product for free since it wasn't their fault.
I replied with "Sure, I will get those in and let you know as soon as they are ready".
What I didn't tell them was that I will not be working with them in the future. I am not in need. I am in a position of least interest as they say in the business community.
I can walk away and it won't bother me the tiniest.
They showed their character when they tried to shake me down for a small thing that they were participants in.
The real lesson is not that they tried to get free stuff it's that they tried to do that when the stakes were small. What about when they order something costly and something goes wrong. A coward is going to be a coward in proportion (maybe) to the size of the disaster or blessing.
Take a good look at your heart.
Are you proud? Are you vain? Are you weak, fearful, manipulative, rude?
If you cannot be faithful with the small things you will not be faithful with the big things.
God works with who he likes and does not work with those he doesn't.